The Wheel Illustration (Part 4)

The Navigator Wheel Illustration reminds us of important biblical truths of the Christian life. And even if we already know these principles as information, meditating on biblical truths results in something supernatural. The very act of remembering Scripture invites the illumination of the Holy Spirit to make old information new. In this way, the Word takes hold of us more deeply than before. Therefore, it is important to continue to meditate on Scripture, even if we think we already know it, so that the Word might take hold of us more. This is the very purpose of the Navigator Wheel illustration.

By way of review, the hub symbolizes that Christ must be the center of the Christian’s life. And the vertical spokes describe how we deepen our relationship with God with the Word and prayer. And now, we come to the horizontal spokes that describe our relationships with others. The first horizontal spoke is located to the right of the hub. It is fellowship. The word ‘fellowship’ means to share in common. And believers fundamentally share a common life that is founded upon Jesus. So believers are to connect with believers to engage in corporate worship, prayer, service, and living life together as brothers and sisters in Christ (Acts 4:32-37).

The reminder to fellowship is very important. We have a tendency, especially in the individualistic culture of America, to walk alone. Moreover, in our struggle against sin, we fight against the consequence of sin to isolate ourselves. We must consistently engage in fellowship to encourage others in Christ (Hebrews 10:24-25). This requires selfless sacrifice. This is the essence of love. And this high call to love one another is not easy. We need to continually confront it. And we do this by meditating on this call by remembering it. What a benefit of having a simple wheel to remind us. A reminder not to tell us new information. But to make old information new by the illumination of the Holy Spirit. May the Word take hold of us more deeply for the good of many and the glory of God as we grow in fellowship!


The Wheel Illustration (Part 5)


The Wheel Illustration (Part 3)