New Here?
Welcome to those joining us for the first time! If you’re joining us online, please fill out this form and someone from the welcome team will contact you!
If you are joining us in person, please come to the welcome table right outside the chapel at the end of service. Our welcome team members are wearing bright green “WELCOME” lanyards.
We look forward to meeting you!
Baltimore Homeless Ministry
Our church has a monthly outing to Baltimore City to minister to the homeless population in Baltimore City. We prepare meals to distribute as well as clothing donations. This is a fantastic opportunity for small groups and families to serve together. Children are also welcome to come with their parents. The outing is usually on the 2nd Saturday of every month. Please contact Deaconess Cho with any questions.
Next Date: Saturday, January 11
Meeting time & place: 9:30am in the BPC Lobby. Return to church about 12pm.
Contact: Hyejin Cho at
BPC Overflow Parking
Park closer to the BPC by using the overflow parking with freshly laid gravel path!
Small Groups 2024-2025
Men's and women's small groups are studying the book of Isaiah this year! From the prophet's challenging words to the nation of Israel to his prophecies of the Messiah to come— we will learn to rest in God's promises and grow in trust. Isaiah will challenge us to reorient our lives to truly love what is good and just and merciful, and experience an inward change of purpose, turning away from sin and toward godliness and dependency on Christ.
Small group registration is online. Please email with any questions.
BCF (College) Community Groups have also begun meeting - on campus and at church. Check the BCF Insta for more details!
College Shuttle
College students are back to school and the college shuttle begins running Sunday, August 25th!
The College shuttle runs every Sunday morning and afternoon during the school year. We serve several campuses: College Park, and schools in Baltimore City (Hopkins, MICA and Peabody). We are always in need of more drivers! Please SIGN UP HERE TO DRIVE!
College students - please sign up here for the shuttle for your respective campuses:
College Park Pick Up
Baltimore City Pick Up
Contact with questions:
Patrick Lin -
EM Prayer Meetings
The EM Prayer Ministry invites everyone to pray together on Wednesday mornings and Sunday mornings. Join us to to learn and pray about matters concerning our church body and respond to God's call for unceasing prayer on behalf of our community.
WEDNESDAY MORNINGS: meets virtually from 6:15-6:30AM via Zoom. Zoom link (password: prayer)
SUNDAY MORNINGS: meets in-person at 9:00AM in BPC classroom 1.
We are also seeking members to join the prayer ministry team. Please contact Hanna Yim at if interested.
Sunday Volunteers
We need everyone's help to help make our church a welcoming place of worship and fellowship on Sundays. Please sign up to help serve coffee and lunch after our service. As our church is growing in number, we also need help directing traffic flow in the parking lot before our service.
To help with coffee or with traffic, sign up here.
To help serve lunch on Sundays to BYG students, please sign up here.
And as always, we need drivers for our college vans on Sunday mornings and afternoons. New drivers please register here to help!
2024 Missions Promise Pledge
The EM Missions team encourages all Bethel EM members to commit to pray, give, and partner in God's Mission through the Missions Promise Pledge (MPP). Our goal for 2024 is for at least 75 units to commit to the MPP.
Make your commitment today by filling out the 2024 Pledge form.
For additional information about the MPP, please reach out to
May God bless our commitments for His Glory!
Church Building Repair Report
If you ever notice something that needs repair or service in the church building, please submit the Building Repair Report to let the building ministry know! It takes a congregation to keep our church in good shape.
Prayer Requests
Let's earnestly go to God together with your prayer requests! Send your prayer requests confidentially to the prayer team. We can also request a prayer team member to meet to pray with you.