Serve at Bethel

Our Ministry Teams

Campus Shuttle Drivers

Provide rides to and from local campuses during the school year so that students who lack transportation are able to join us for Sunday worship and other church gatherings.

Contact: Patrick Lin

Christian Education

Bethel has a strong children's and youth ministry (nursery-12th grade). We desire to equip our children with God’s word so that they might grow in their faith journeys and identities as growing disciples of Jesus Christ. We value effective partnership with parents so that the home might be a central place of our children’s spiritual formation as they grow to live as salt and light of the world. We are always seeking teachers, teachers assistants, small group leaders and AWANA leaders and helpers.

Contact: David D. Lee


The communication team maintains our church website and weekly newsletter, social media and church promotions. Our goal is to inform and encourage people to connect and get involved in the life of the church. Help is needed with web design, graphic design and website maintenance.

Contact: Suzanne Choi


The EM Counseling ministry seeks to care for and support those who are struggling and their loved ones with a range of issues, including grief and mental health.

Contact: Jin Lee


The fellowship team serves weekly during Sunday fellowship time following service. We run the coffee station, and when lunch is served, help serve and clean. Sundays between 11:15am - 12:30pm.

The fellowship team also organizes and runs special events during the year such as picnics, gym nights and the annual Thanksgiving Banquet. We also help support other ministries' special events with logistics and food when needed.

Contact: Wanho Chu

Life Stage Ministries

These ministries serve to connect people in specific life stages with the understanding that each stage comes with its own joys and struggles. They seek to deepen relationships so that we can all be encouraged and strengthened to be more like Christ.


LIGHT & SALT (Young Adult) Contact: Pastor Abraham Kim

FAMILY MINISTRY (Families & Married Couples) Contact: Lillian Hwang

WOMEN'S MINISTRY Contact: Suzanne Choi

MEN'S MINISTRY Contact: Joseph Lim


The Missions team commits to preaching the gospel to both our local and international neighbors. Help us maintain and create new relationships with missionaries around the world as we organize local and short-term missions opportunities for our church.

To learn more about the missions ministry, visit our Local & World Missions page.

Contact: Walt Rhee


Help to direct traffic in the church parking lot on Sundays or during special events that we host at our church.

Contact: Yoon Shin


The prayer team commits to praying for the EM congregation and anyone else who requests prayer. We promise to faithfully, fervently, diligently, and sensitively intercede on behalf of anyone who requests our support and desires to experience the power of prayer. We are also committed to keeping all prayer requests confidential.

Contact: Hanna Yim


The sports ministry aims to use sports as a way to promote fellowship and build relationships both inside and outside the church.

Contact: Dane Choe

Small Groups

Small groups are one of the best ways to experience deeper fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, while learning and growing in God’s Word. We are always in need of more small group leaders and people to host small group meetings. Training is provided for small group leaders. Church membership is a requirement to be a small group leader.

Contact: Pastor Tony Mershon


We're always looking for fresh, friendly faces to warmly welcome everyone who walks through our doors on Sunday mornings. From greeting and handing out bulletins, to welcoming newcomers and visitors, we are seeking people who will help make everyone feel glad they came to worship with us.

Contact: Doris Kwon

Works of God

The Works of God Ministry exists to encourage, equip, affirm, and celebrate those individuals experiencing unique physical and mental experiences as exemplars of God’s precious creation. We have times of regular fellowship and also serve together during the monthly homeless outreach.

Contact: Hugh Kim

Worship & AV

Serve during Sunday worship services in various capacities, like ushering, counting worship attendance, setting up extra seating when needed, etc.

The audio-visual team makes sure that our Sunday services are supported by strong visuals and clear audio, and live-streamed smoothly.

Contact: Chang Oh