The Light Shines
I’ve encountered an encouraging word from the relatively new Bethel Women’s Ministry website. Please be encouraged to beat a path to the Word:
“I find myself more and more aware, perplexed, and saddened by the pervasive darkness within and without. The personal darknesses that overwhelm those around us (friends, colleagues, celebrities) and swallow them with such finality into its deep unending shadow.
The worldly darkness that beats down countries and creation all around. Nothing and no one, it seems, is immune.
But there is hope. Hope of the ages. Real hope that pierces through, engulfing the darkness with certainty and for all eternity. Life that is Light. And Light that is Life.
It isn’t a mindset. A plan. An object. An achievement. Or something that comes from within ourselves as if we can will it or manifest it into being. Hope and Life and Light came as a Person. Not just any person. His name is Jesus. Jesus, God Himself and Creator, who has no beginning or end, who sustains our every heartbeat and breath, who is also The Word.
John tells us that it is in this person, in His Words which is indistinguishable from who He is, that if we listen and believe, we can keep fighting the darkness in this life and this world. Even if there are moments when darkness threatens to overwhelm us, we cling to His Words of Life and Light. That this darkness is but a dim and dull passing that cannot dwell long.
My dear friends, how do we fight the darkness with all of our might? How do we not give up?
We must “beat a path to the Word” [John Piper]. Perhaps it sounds too simple, too redundant, just like the answer to every question during Sunday School is “JESUS!”. And yet, it is as simple as this but it is not easy. The father of lies, so powerfully and masterfully keeps us from believing that God’s Word is indeed the answer. Think of how hard it is for us to read the Word daily, all the excuses we come up, many of which are good and needed [i.e. trying to keep tiny humans alive or I need to feed my family, etc.], and all the “things” that fill up the day. We push it off for another 5 minutes, then another 5, until we fall in exhaustion to recover from another harrowing day. And so, it becomes nearly impossible.
But dear friends, do not be deceived. Identify the struggle and the lies and hold on to the truth. The darkness looms and the only true weapon to slash through it is the “Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” [Eph 6:17]. As the darkness never lets up, let us never give in, every day, every moment.
And so, as we start another new year, given to us by the great goodness and extreme mercy, patience, and steadfast love of God, let us intentionally discipline ourselves to start again on this path of Life.
I encourage everyone to listen and be convicted by John Piper’s “Beat the Path to the Word” exhortational interview on the Ask Pastor John podcast as well his full sermon about the necessity of our daily immersion in God’s Word.
And remember, we can only do this by the power of the Lord. Because it is impossible. The darkness inside and out rage against us to behold the Light and live. But His power is the power that defeated sin, the power that raised Jesus from the dead, and it is alive and IN us to help us so don’t lose heart. Keep trying again and again. The Lord is WITH YOU. Indeed, He is Emmanuel, God WITH US.”