Seeking Justice

In a world filled with so many instances of injustice what can the church do? We are to seek justice. But how? This practical question reminds me of an article by Thaddeus Williams in which he concludes with some thoughts from Dr. John Perkins. Be encouraged as you seek justice for the good of others and glory of God:

“John Perkins is one of my heroes, a living legend of the civil-rights movement whom I’m proud to call brother, mentor, and even friend. He is a champion of Social Justice A. His life embodies how you can pursue justice for 60-plus years without compromising the gospel one inch. I leave you with his four admonishments to the next generation of justice-seekers:

First, start with God! . . . If we don’t start with him first, whatever we’re seeking, it ain’t justice.

Second, be one in Christ! Christian brothers and sisters— black, white, brown, rich, and poor—we are family. . . . If we give a foothold to any kind of tribalism that could tear down that unity, then we aren’t bringing God’s justice.

Third, preach the gospel! The gospel of Jesus’s incarnation, his perfect life, his death as our substitute, and his triumph over sin and death is good news for everyone. . . . If we replace the gospel with this or that man-made political agenda, then we ain’t doing biblical justice.

Fourth and finally, teach truth! Without truth, there can be no justice. And what is the ultimate standard of truth? It is not our feelings. It is not popular opinion. It is not what presidents or politicians say. God’s Word is the standard of truth. If we’re trying harder to align with the rising opinions of our day than with the Bible, then we ain’t doing real justice.”


Numbered Days