
It amazes me in what seems like a blink of an eye that 17 years elapsed during my time at Bethel. I vividly remember my first days in 2005 as the Bethel Youth Group pastor. I was 29 years strong still in the vigor of my fading twenties. The BYG was comprised of 150 energetic high school students who worshipped in the cramped temporary trailers in the back of the church. So many good memories. The Lord has been so good and faithful.

And now after 17 years, the Session has been so gracious as to grant a sabbatical. What is a sabbatical? It is based on Leviticus 25, which describes the “shmita,” or a “Sabbath of Sabbaths”. Taking time off in a sabbatical is an application of the biblical Sabbath principle that we should deliberately trust the Lord with the unfinished. And by faith, we break from regular work for the purpose of worship, rest, and renewal.

Starting July 4th, my three month sabbatical will begin. There are three objectives that I have in mind with regard to worship, rest and renewal. The first is perspective. Having been at Bethel for 17 years leaves me wondering how myopic I have become to things around me. It’s like being fish in water who doesn’t know it’s wet because it has always been wet. A short break will allow my senses to be renewed for the purpose of seeing rightly for focused ministry. The second is writing. Writing is labor that can easily be rationalized away through the busy schedule of meetings and the weekly sermon. Having time without such deadlines will provide focus to do that which I have pushed off far too long. And the third is a breather. After 17 years, it’s good to take a moment to just slow down. Family life has been excruciatingly fast paced. What a blessing to catch my breath- to catch our breath.

The Lord is gracious. Three months will pass like a blink of an eye. Time is such a paradox! May we echo the prayer of Moses in light of this: “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). Amen!


Sabbath Rest


Daily Reminders