Pray for Ukraine - Update

The war in Ukraine is ravaging. Let’s continue to remain steadfast in prayer as the Holy Spirit leads us. “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God (Rom. 8:26-27).

Here is an email I received from the Redeemer City to City church planting network with some prayer requests:

The Russia-Ukraine war has escalated, leaving destruction and deaths in many Ukrainian cities and a new refugee crisis for Europe. According to the latest reports, 2 million people have already fled Ukraine, with more than half seeking refuge in Poland. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) expects up to 4 million refugees in the coming weeks and months.

Our partner, CTC Europe, is in communication with leaders who are close to this crisis. They have received and shared these prayer requests. Please join us in praying for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, Russia and Poland.

Benjamin from Svitlovodsk, Ukraine:

  • The many refugees we are expecting over the next days, particularly from Kharkov. Pray that we will serve them well, show them the love of Christ and that God would open doors. Pray for God's provision for all of them.

  • For strength and wisdom as there are so many needs. Everyone is scrambling around the clock, not getting enough sleep. Please pray for the ministry team in our church (besides my family, key people are Philipp, Zhenya, Kostya, Lyuda).

  • For God's subversive victory to come swiftly against the tyrant terrorizing our country. Pray for God to be glorified in humbling the pride of man.

  • I am getting a number of invitations for interviews, articles, podcasts, etc. Pray that I will use them all well to glorify the One who is our rock and refuge.

Nick from Kyiv, Ukraine

  • Pray for the protection of civilians.

  • My daughter is pregnant, and the baby is about to be born any time, so pray for Sasha and her husband Nikita.

  • Pray that the Russian troops turn around and go back home.

Yevgeny from Moscow, Russia

  • Pray for a stop to the bloodshed.

  • Protect our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

  • Pray that we can serve refugees well. We are now helping over 100,000 people.

  • Pray for active evangelism.

Adam & Klaudia Dulinski from Warsaw, Poland

Please pray for our church! We are receiving as many Ukrainian refugees as we can. Adam has been traveling back and forth from the border to pick people up and bring them to the church. Our new venue is packed with people needing housing and food. We feed them and then supply housing with members from the church. We also want to rent nearby hostels. We understand this is a marathon and not a sprint. Please pray for wisdom and perseverance. We don't want to burn out.


Deeds for Ukraine


Pray During the Crisis in Ukraine