March 26, 2020

The newscycle has been brutal. No sports highlights. No economic progress. No Spring break destinations. Only headline after headline like these: “Medical Supplies Depleted; National Guard Deployed; Young People Ignore Social Distancing...” The monotone is endless. And it’s only so long before a single note, perpetually played, will take its toll on the mind. It pierces through what was thought to be impenetrable sensibility. It’s taking a toll. It’s conjuring the crazies. It’s layer after layer of burden. It’s too heavy. Who can carry it?

Last Sunday I preached on the comfort that we have in Christ. Acts 23:11-35 narrates Paul’s very ordinary rescue. It’s so ordinary that we can easily miss the extraordinary detail. The One who seems silent speaks. The One who seems still moves. The extraordinary Jesus fulfills His declaration for Paul through very ordinary means. Every detail matters. Nothing is out of control. We can draw comfort from the providence of the Lord. He is working even when we can’t see it. He is working for the good of His children and glory of His Name.

There is an important gospel application here that I would like to draw out. This past September Hurricane Dorian ravaged the Bahamas with its destructive winds. I remember photos of buildings ripped to shreds. One right after the other. Though one photo captured my attention. It was a picture like the others. Buildings strewn across the ground in pieces. Boats littered on shore like crumpled pieces of paper. But it was unlike the other pictures. In the midst of the damage there was a building intact. It was standing tall. It was a lighthouse.

Who can carry the burden on our shoulders? Jesus. He is strong. He is able. He is working in ways that extend beyond the scope of our intuition. Therefore, let us trust Him. Yes, let us read the news. But not with the attempt to exercise our supposed sovereignty. We will be crushed by the burden. Finite creation cannot fully grasp the Infinite Creator. Let us look to Jesus who works through His sovereign providence. Let us express our anxiety and pain. And He will draw us near to Him. This is what we need. Jesus is our comfort and peace.

Is it any wonder how the early church went forth with boldness and strength during the second century plague in the Roman Empire? They loved their neighbors even at great cost to themselves. When the people were crushed by the heavy burden of fear, the believers stood tall like a lighthouse. They were shining the light of Jesus. And the light went forth brightly. The pagan Emperor Julian wrote, “These Christians support not only their poor, but ours as well.” How could the believers comfort others in such desperate times? Because they had the comfort of Jesus.

I pray that our minds will be filled with the comfort of Jesus so we can shine His light for others “in dark places when all other lights go out” 1 . By our loving deeds. By our loving words. And let me leave you with some resources to assist you as you spend time at home. May you ponder the providence of the Lord during these desperate times. He is working for your good and His glory. Be comforted!

1 The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien.


April 2, 2020


March 19, 2020