Always Being Prepared

The pandemic has made life difficult in many ways. For example, one difficulty among many is education. Teachers overhauled their usual in-person plan for a virtual setting and have been working so hard to utilize innovative tools and strategies. Let us heartily thank the Lord for our teachers! And students had to forsake their classroom or college campus for their familiar room at home for online learning. In this sense, education has been quite difficult. And the list of challenges wrought by the pandemic could go on for a very long time.

In the midst of so many difficulties from this pandemic, what opportunities have emerged? Let me point out one that can easily be overlooked- evangelism. This pandemic has shook everyone to some degree. We have been thrown off the stable ground of normal. We have been reminded that we are not in control. We are uncomfortable and are, perhaps, asking questions we have never asked before in our ease. Scripture reminds us to always be prepared, 1 Peter 3:15, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”

I’m sure we have and will encounter conversations revolving around some area of life’s difficulty. Whether it’s education or occupation, will we be prepared to share how we are persevering in Jesus? Will we have the boldness to mention His Name? Do we have the understanding to simply pronounce the gospel of Jesus? Can we defend the faith from an inquiring question riddled with secular assumptions? It is my prayer that we will always be prepared. Though the days are difficult, we have before us the wonderful opportunity to point others to Jesus with gentleness and respect. We are weak and inadequate yet can move forward with courage because Jesus’ grace is sufficient for us! His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Amen!


Preparing to Vote


As You See the Day Drawing Near